With dozens of classes each week, you’ll always find one to fit your mood, practice, and schedule. Our classes are designed for beginners to experienced practitioners.

Gentle/Centering Yoga
Very meditative
A centering class for beginners and experienced students, this class presents easeful asanas, breathing and meditation practices to cultivate physical and mental well being. A meditative class that involves a slow and mindful entry and exit into asanas.
This class is slow-paced and beginner-friendly. Please alert the teacher of any injuries or conditions that may affect your practice.

Gentle/Slow Flow Yoga
Great for beginners
This class offers a therapeutic approach to asana and human movement. This slower-paced class will provide an explanation of correct form, alignment, and breathing, and help you develop a solid foundation for your yoga practice. This class is beginner-friendly and typically includes seated, standing, and reclined postures, but extra time may be taken to transition between postures. Special attention is given to be sure each student is placed into the asanas in a safe way for their body, which may include props, chairs, or the wall, and modifications will be offered for accessibility.
This class is slow-paced and the perfect place to start as a brand new beginner student. Please alert the teacher of any injuries or conditions that may affect your practice.

Slow/Moderate Yoga
Option in between Moderate & Gentle
This class offers a therapeutic approach to asana and human movement. This slow-to-moderate-paced class will provide an explanation of correct form, alignment, and breathing, and help you develop a solid foundation for your yoga practice. This class typically includes seated, standing, hands-and-knees, and reclined postures, and may include some sun salutations, which involves bearing weight on the hands, though modifications will be offered for accessibility.
This class is slightly more challenging than our “gentle/slow” classes, but less strenuous than our “moderate” or “strong/active vinyasa” classes. Mixed levels, beginners are welcome. This is a good class to try if you are looking to intermix some “moderate” classes with “gentle/slow” classes or transition from strictly “gentle” classes to “moderate” classes. Please alert the teacher of any injuries or conditions that may affect your practice.
A cohesive style combining various yoga traditions. This moderate-paced class will provide an explanation of correct form, alignment, and breathing, and help you develop a solid foundation for your yoga practice. This is a multi-level yoga class suitable for beginner to advanced practitioners that typically includes seated, standing, and reclined postures as well as some weight-bearing on the hands through hands-and-knees positions and sun salutations. This class is more energetic and more challenging than our “gentle/slow” and “slow/moderate” classes. Mixed levels, some challenging postures may be offered, with modifications and alternatives suggested to make accessible to each student. Please alert the teacher of any injuries or conditions that may affect your practice. Moderate/Steady Yoga
Moderately strenuous

Ashtanga Inspired Vinyasa Yoga
Deepen your practice gradually
The word Vinyasa means “breath-synchronized” movement, and refers to a carefully arranged sequence of asanas (yoga postures). Movement from one asana to the next follows the breath. The result is a smooth, flowing class that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and concentration. This class is based on the principles and asanas of Ashtanga Yoga. This class includes weight-bearing in the hands through Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutations) A and B, and then flows into Ashtanga, non-Ashtanga and counter poses.

Strong/Active Vinyasa Yoga
Our most vigorous class
This is a more vigorous class for which practitioners will want to be comfortable moving through Sun Salutations, bearing weight in the hands, and vinyasa. The word vinyasa means “breath-synchronized” movement, and refers to a carefully arranged sequence of asanas (yoga postures). Movement from one asana to the next follows the breath. The result is a smooth, flowing class that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and concentration. This class includes weight-bearing in the hands through sun salutations, standing postures, kneeling postures, seated postures, and reclined postures, and it is recommended that you transition from seated to standing and standing to seated with ease to attend this type of class.
This class is more energetic and more challenging than our “gentle/slow” and “slow/moderate” classes. Mixed levels, some challenging postures will be offered, with modifications and alternatives suggested to make accessible to each student. Please alert the teacher of any injuries or conditions that may affect your practice.
Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with mostly seated and reclined poses which are held for longer periods of time. Three to five minutes or more per pose is typical. Yin yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body (the tendons, fascia and ligaments) with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. Holding slow-paced postures massages inner organs and stimulates movement of energy through the joints, creating deep healing. Yin Yoga gently and powerfully restores and rehabilitates connective tissue; the bones, ligaments, joints and fascia. A more meditative approach to yoga, yin aims at cultivating quietude, awareness, and gentleness. This class is slow-paced and beginner-friendly. Please alert the teacher of any injuries or conditions that may affect your practice.Gentle Yin Yoga
Enhance flexibility

Gentle Restorative Yoga
Calm the nervous system
Restorative Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with mostly seated and reclined poses which are held for longer periods of time. Props like blocks, blankets, cushions, and bolsters are used to make the postures more comfortable and accessible. A more meditative approach to yoga, restorative calms the body, mind, and nervous system. Deep relaxation can help to trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing the body to move into “rest and digest” mode, influencing healthy digestion, respiration, heart rate, and more.
This class is slow-paced and beginner-friendly. Please alert the teacher of any injuries or conditions that may affect your practice.

Chair Yoga
Build strength & mobility gently
Chair yoga is ideal for those who have challenges with balance or conditions that prohibit weight-bearing, as the entire class is done in a chair. This class incorporates mindful breathing, stretching, as well as strengthening of the muscles. A seated vinyasa component is included where the breath will be linked with the movement. The use of a block and strap may also be incorporated for some of the stretches and light weights are also an option for some of the strengthening.
This class is slow-paced and beginner-friendly. Please alert the teacher of any injuries or conditions that may affect your practice.